Is Dr. November currently accepting new patients?
Yes! Dr. November is currently accepting new patients at North Seattle Natural Medicine in downtown Edmonds. She continues to offer telehealth appointments for both new and existing patients, and offers appointments until 6:30pm many evenings.
How long are visits?
A typical first visit lasts approximately one hour, allowing time for Dr. November to learn about you and your health goals. Please bring any prior pertinent lab and/or imaging results for Dr. November to review after the visit.
Subsequent visits last approximately 30 minutes.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please schedule an appointment by completing the 'New Patient' paperwork located at: Upon completion and submission of this questionnaire, our very helpful Front Desk team will call you to schedule.
If you have questions prior to completing the paperwork, please feel free to send a message through the Contact page of this website, or call the North Seattle Natural Medicine clinic at: 206.629.5180.
Is Dr. November available for phone or virtual appointments?
Yes! An in-person initial visit is required, but many follow-up visits can be completed over the phone or via video conference. Please talk to Dr. November to confirm this is an option for your particular situation.
Family medicine
Women's health
Digestive wellness
Bone integrity
Preventative care